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​A PRAYER …FOR THE DAY OF PRAYER for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children JANUARY 22, 2016

Kathy Boh on 19th Jan 2016


…FOR THE DAY OF PRAYER for the Legal 

Protection of Unborn Children

JANUARY 22nd, 2016

So we ask, Lord… We turn humbly to You for strength… We intercede in conjunction with every other intercessor, and in behalf of every leader and every person involved on every level in the struggle for the culture of LIFE… We ask that You enable us to become stronger and more vibrant again… heal us and restore us in the areas where we are weary from paying the cost of this battle for life. Your word says that You help us be both willing and able to do what pleases You. We come to You and lean on You for renewed strength and wisdom. 

May a mighty wave of Your Holy Spirit sweep across this land, producing and promoting the abundant life You died to give. May Your power be mightily manifest in every cause for LIFE, particularly the lives of unborn children, and in those who work to protect them.  

May Your Holy Spirit, the Comforter, be much with the mothers and fathers—even grandparents and other family members—of aborted babies, as they face the loss, the grief and the side effects of abortion--whether they are aware of the destructive effects or not. May every woman‘s choice against having this “procedure” as the “easy” answer in her life become a vigorous statement for life

We ask for Your favor and blessing on every encouraging voice, every helping hand, each caring heart and each listening ear that has helped her and her child, or has valued life at any age.

When we feel the heaviness and the hideousness of the evil we face, may we remember to sing in our hearts of Your goodness—that Your love endures forever. We ask for an abundance of Your mercy on all those participating in the killing of the unborn, that their eyes would be opened, their hearts softened, their minds renewed to truth, and to new and true LIFE. We cry out, O God, for a sovereign, powerful manifestation of Your glory… We ask for “more than we can … imagine or think”. We ask for a move as real and mighty and victorious as Your own resurrection—applied as far and wide as You desire. 

We ask for Your kingdom to come; Your will to be done here, on earth, as it is in heaven.

We gratefully ask that You (O Way, Truth, and Life!) make a way—even where there seems to be no way—for an unprecedented move of Your power to give, bring and restore LIFE. We ask for Your glory to be manifested to bring Your love, healing, truth, light and life into our broken, blind, self-involved world. 

When we are together, may we raise our voices in unison with others... And when we feel alone in our battles, may we silently lift our hearts to You. When praying alone, we ask You to join our requests with multitudes of other prayers, remembering others who are also Your co-laborers in these fields.

Through the merits of Your Son, we join together with one another by the power of the Holy Spirit, in a mighty, united cry for Your victory here. 

May the seriousness of our work never keep us from rejoicing in Your unending goodness, Your daily mercies, and Your passionate, compassionate love.

And we give You all the glory and honor, thanks and praise. Amen. So be it.