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Kathy Boh on 5th Jan 2016

P. S.   TO

 EPIPHANY           2016

It occurred to me as I listened to the epiphany readings this year that each of us has a choice to make. We can choose how we are to respond upon hearing about the birth of Jesus, the eternal King… how to respond in a potentially new way to what is (for most of us) “old news”.

Will we react as Herod did—with his first response being a sense of personal “threat”? We may think that we have little in common with Herod, who was a king… and it was the “king” aspect that pushed his buttons of fear in regard to a new king on the horizon. But consider this: we may find similar feelings in our response, when we come to realize just how much Jesus desires to be “king” over each of our lives. The “rule” and management and absolute control over “my” life that I may wish to exercise—or now actually do manage—could feel seriously threatened by an earnest measure of worship or bowing to this King of kings.

Whether we consider ourselves spiritual “seekers” or “true believers”, we don’t really care to admit any similarity to Herod’s response. 

After all, we surely would never go as far as he did! (…killing the holy innocents…) Our desire to “feel good” spiritually may prevent us from facing a substantial truth: that bowing to Jesus Christ as King (and acknowledging the power and lordship that kings through the ages have possessed) may “cramp our style” a bit too much…

We would never verbally say it, but inside we may feel: 

“It’s fine if He stays in His neat little religious corner… We can ‘afford’ to ‘give Him His religious [practices] due’ for a brief time on Sunday, or even other times, too… But to ‘journey’ far off the path of our busy lives to ‘find’ Him… To give what we consider quite precious to us as a gift to Him”… we hesitate. To surrender much, not knowing what the future holds, or what this King may ask of us… just may be “too much”. To humbly acknowledge—by faith—that this King may be better equipped to manage and lead our lives…is another thing altogether. Frankly, that’s relatively easy to do in a distant-religious-sort-of-way…where God stays in His holy place and doesn’t mess too much with the “nitty gritty” of our lives.

But… back to the Epiphany… 

Years ago, three (and probably more) “Wise Men”—men of power, knowledge and influence (kings in their own realms)—travelled to follow a star, although they were neither Jewish nor (of course!) “Christian”. Yet, they had the humility and wisdom to seek out a better and wiser “king” while not knowing how, when or how well this new king would rule over his “kingdom”.

They risked and invested a great deal (travelling hundreds of miles over difficult landscape) to seek out this king who was attended by the light of a glorious star (and the earlier chorus of heavenly hosts singing nearby). They extended honor, and generous gifts, and valuable time, and the struggles of travel over rugged terrain… to worship this King—far outside their own realm—Whom many of us have long heard about.

It may be time... 

...for a new “epiphany” for each of us, personally… a new “realization/ revelation”. May we seek that earnestly this new year. May it be accompanied by a grace that enables us to surpass the courage, humility and passion that a group of wise men long ago possessed. May our gifts of what we find most precious to us come from deep inside our hearts and our lives, so that this “newborn king” has full permission to create His kingdom rule in us, through us, and around us… “His kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.